Changing of HTTPS certificate provider
Scheduled for Nov 18, 10:00 - 11:00 UTC
We will be changing to a new provider for our HTTPS certificate on Monday November 18, 2024, after 10:00 UTC.

As with all HTTPS connections, when connecting to one of our endpoints such as, a certificate is used to verify that you are connecting to us and not to someone trying to impersonate us. Our current certificate is provided by VikingCloud and your system is already configured to trust any certificates they have provided.

On November 18, we will be switching to a certificate provided by Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM). It is highly likely that your browser is also already configured to trust any certificates that ACM provides, and so we expect users of the Scheduler to be unaffected by this change.

However, there may be a very small number of our API customers with specific configurations, such as older operating systems, that will need to take action to ensure that our new certificate provider is trusted. We, therefore, advise all API customers to check that their systems are configured to trust certificates provided by ACM. You can test this by checking that you can load one of the following URLs:

If you are able to load one of the above URLs successfully then you do not need to take any action.

If it does not load successfully, then you will need to add the Amazon root certificate authorities to your trust store. These can be obtained from, they are listed under the Certification Authorities section.

The benefits of making this change are that it increases our operational efficiency and is more secure. Manual renewal processes are replaced with automated ones, ACM is also more secure as private keys are securely protected and stored using strong encryption and key management best practices.

Before we permanently switch to the new certificate, we will have three temporary switchovers. These temporary switchovers are an opportunity for us to ensure all customers have tested their connectivity with the new certificate and will result in a smooth transition when do permanently switch. The temporary switchovers will happen at the following times:

1. Monday October 7, 2024, between 10:00 - 11:00 UTC
2. Tuesday October 22, 2024, between 13:00 - 16:00 UTC
3. Monday November 4, 2024, between 09:00 - 21:00 UTC

Each of the above temporary switchovers will be announced as separate scheduled maintenance on our status page.

If you have any questions, please email
Posted Aug 14, 2024 - 14:42 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affects: Scheduler, API, and Developer Dashboard.